Advancing research with virtual reality
Discover immersive and interactive VR methods to further our scientific understanding in psychology, embodiment, pain, therapy, medicine, and performance 

Develop training and education software modules using modern virtual-reality and augmented-reality technologies 

Improve procedural performance and skill transfer with repeatable immersive interactive learning experiences 

We develop novel and purpose-designed VR tools to support cutting-edge University research into psychology, education, medicine, and therapy. We work closely with our collaborators to assist with basic design and planning, grants and funding, technology application, and of course, development of custom-purposed VR software/hardware systems.

Research doesn't start with answers. Our agile approach enables us to learn along with our collaborators as development proceeds, avoiding blind alleys and taking advantage of new insights. Unlike rigid development teams that work best with strict specifications, we know that in scientific research, development is also an act of discovery.

Laboratory Support
Higher-education research laboratories require more than just piecemeal contracted software development and technology support.

Our long experience with the technical, scientific, business, and administrative aspects of Universtity VR laboratory management has forged a strong foundation of skills and best-practices.  From on-off project consultation to winding up a full virtual-reality lab from start to finish, we endeavor to provide whatever support is needed at whatever level desired.

Our value is to support the continued development of novel research in immersive experience. We want you to succeed.

Skill is more than mere knowledge. Skill requires both understanding and experience.

In virtual reality environments, the learner is guided first-hand through complex procedures, repeatedly experiencing the correct form to develop good habits from the very beginning.

Performance testing in virtual reality goes beyond rote recital, directly measuring and proving skill. Speed, accuracy, and clarity of choice are collected and reported, both to the educator and as direct feedback to the learner.

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We don't always have the luxury of a quiet and safe environment to do our work. Quick and skillful decisions must be made in the most stressful situations. First responders, medical personnel, police, and warfighters must perform effectively in whatever environment they are needed.

Procedures that might be simple to remember in a quiet space can be challenging to recall and enact in the face of danger. Virtual reality training addresses this by adding adjustable levels of audio-visual stressors to the learning environment. By repeatedly experiencing and choosing the correct procedures while under simulated threat, noise, and distraction, the learner is given the opportunity and tools to gain direct knowledge of their reactions under stress and work toward extinguishing their fearsbefore they face the actual situationsas many times as they like and at their convenience.

Skill capture
As our skilled workforce ages, effectively transferring proficiency from the master to the novice becomes increasingly critical to the long-term health of any team. There just isn't the time for extensive one-on-one apprenticeship; those with expertise are always under a heavy workload.

By digitally transferring the immersive experience of an expert, the novice can repeatedly observe the real operation in the real environment, quickly and directly grasping the skill.

Maintaining a library of procedural experiences and training modules means better standardization and crafting of best-practices from the knowledge and talent of the most experienced team members.


Immersive Experience Laboratories LLC
1500 1st Ave N, Ste G104
Birmingham, AL 35203